Project Overview


Promenade helps military veterans connect with resources.


3 Weeks

My RolE

UX Research, UX Design




Promenade helps military veterans connect with resources and the world in a more seamless and meaningful way.
Using data science and machine learning, they aggregate data and connect each user with the right organizations, people, and resources they need for their post-military journeys.


To create a new, modern look for Promenade.
We wanted to make the website more readable
and user friendly, to improve visitor signups.

My Contributions

  • Lead UX Researcher alongside two other designers
  • conducted user interviews, business analysis, ideated features
  • led two rounds of usability tests on our prototype.
  • helped to develop  the visual design of Promenade
  • soley designed the onboarding process

Our Solution


Good Design Starts With People

To better understand what challenges veterans faced while transitioning to civilian life we needed to talk to veterans. Within the veteran population, we focused on veterans of color.
We decided to speak to veterans who recently transitioned because they would have the freshest perspective, and it would be easy for them to recall specific details of their transition which would ensure that our solution is timely and useful.


Meet Marie

To help us empathize with the veterans we created a persona.
Our Persona, Marie was formed from the information we gathered during user interviews.


Promenade's Features


This page allows veterans to build their existing networks by forming new connections. Veterans can join groups, follow old friends, or make new friends.
Create, Comment & Share articles, vote on polls. Discover content that piques their interest using topic tags.


Here Veterans can search for a mentor the filters allow veterans to find mentors by location, specialty, branch, and gender making it easier for them to find the best mentor for them.

Battle Buddy

Veterans have a friend to guide them through their journey on Promenade
The battle buddy is the face of our Ai, learning and recommending resources to veterans as they use the website.


Welcome message to Greet Veterans igniting the onboarding process;

  • the CTA Get Started informing the users how long the onboarding process will take.
  • Progress indicators included in the user interface stimulate Veterans to complete the onboarding and creates an understanding of what stage of it is currently active.
  • Lighthearted and playful names and phrases for the different segments so the process feels more personable, making veterans more comfortable sharing personal information with us.
  • Website tutorial from your battle buddy that quickly introduces the Promenades features and encourages Veterans to try it.


Style Guide

We were inspired by a retro graphic we saw online. Because what’s more patriotic than nostalgia

For our color scheme we wanted something patriotic, without being obvious. We went with decided to go with a retro Red, White, and Blue with a hint of pink.


Can our Boldest& Bravest Navigate through Promenade?

Our team conducted usability testing of our Mid Fi Wireframes. We asked users to complete 4 Tasks and observed them as they navigated through the site.

Next Steps

Lessons Learned

The team was excited to handoff the prototype and spec doc to the Promenade team to build out the designs.
I learned alot about veterans' needs and their experiences.

What Needs Work

  • Registration/ Onboarding process. Using A/ B testing to figure out what questions need to be asked vs what can be gained from other means.

  • Interaction design on the website, (roadmap and registration page) adding actions, and visual storytelling through the site to make their experience on Promenade  more engaging.

Measuring Success

Activation- will show how effective our redesign of Promenade's landing page an onboarding experience is.



Our Solution to Gentrification
Responsive Website

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a phone mockup